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Is Whey Protein Bad for You? - Benefits and Side Effects



Is Whey Protein Bad for You? - Benefits and Side Effects

Protein is an extremely important macronutrient in our body, which is needed for building lean muscle mass. 
To fulfill its need, people prefer protein shakes and supplements to complete their daily protein intake. There are various types of protein shakes and powders available in the market in which whey protein is a very popular fitness and dietary supplement among gym freaks. 
However, the use of whey protein is still not acceptable to some people because, with a long list of health benefits, it also has some negative side effects. But before discussing Is Whey Protein Bad for You or not, let us first understand what whey protein is.
Whey protein is the byproduct of milk, which has two parts; casein and whey. During the formation of cheese, the solid part of milk becomes cheese, which is casein, and the remaining watery portion is called whey.

A combination of beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobin is found in whey, which provides the user with numerous health benefits.

But still some people find it difficult to digest, which causes many health issues and that’s where the question arises, is whey protein bad for your health? 

Is Whey Protein Bad for You?

It is a well-known fact that whey protein is one of the most used fitness supplements. Many bodybuilders and fitness athletes use enhance thier performace.
But it’s also true that there are some people who have experienced some side effects after using whey. This is why people who are thinking of using protein powder, especially beginners, are eager to know whether this highly praised fitness supplement is good or bad.
Keeping that in mind, we are going to discuss its benefits and side effects separately so that one decides whether it’s good for them or not according to their needs and health condition. So, let’s first start with its benefits. 

Benefits of Whey Protein

Whey protein is one of the most used protein powders because of its numerous health benefits: 
1. Promotes Muscle Growth - Our body is made up of cells and tissues. The structural and functional unit of these cells and tissues is protein and this protein is extremely needed build and repare those tissues. 
As whey is a concentrated form of protein, it provides sufficient amino acids to the body instantly, which helps in muscle growth and maintenance.
2. Effective for Bone Health - It has shown a beneficial effect on bone health. As whey protein is a byproduct of milk, it contains lots of calcium and phosphorus, which are important ingredients for bone health.
3. Weight Loss - A high protein diet is very beneficial for the weight-loss journey. As whey supplements are rich in protein, they help in losing weight while maintaining muscle mass. 
4. Cholesterol Decrease - Whey is not just a muscle-building supplement because these easy-to-make shakes can also help in decreasing cholesterol levels.

A study in which subjects who were given protein as supplements were shown to have lower LDL and total cholesterol. 
5. Wound Healing - Several types of protein are known for healing wounds, in which whey protein is the most effective one. Amino acid present in whey protein gets absorbed by the body easily, which helps in protein synthesis and healing wounds. 
6. Immunity Increase - Whey protein boosts the immune system and increased production of glutathione is the main reason behind it. Whey protein should be given to women suffering from asthma.
So, after knowing such benefits, you may be eager to use whey protein, but before that, you should know which is the best whey protein powder on the market. 

It is majorly available in three forms:
  1. Whey protein concentrate (around 35-80% protein)
  2. Whey protein isolate (90-96% protein)
  3. Whey protein hydrolysate (pre-digested form)
After consulting with your trainer, you can opt for the best one according to your needs. On the other hand, you should also be aware of some whey protein side effects before making any purchase. 

Side Effects of Whey Protein

As we discussed earlier, with a long list of benefits, protein also has some side effects which people should be aware of: 
1. Indigestion - A study has shown that many people lack an enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of lactose in the body. 
When these people use this supplement, they are likely to experience bloating, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, etc. because the supplement is not only the byproduct of milk but also highly processed.

So, if you also feel that you have a problem digesting whey proteins, then you can go for PrimeGenix Whey Protein isolate, which is digested faster than ordinary whey supplements.

According to its manufacturer, it is made with the milk of 100% grass-fed cows, This high-grade organic milk delivers high-grade whey which absorbs the body easily.

To be sure of these claims, you can read the PrimeGenix Whey protein review on its official website. 

2. Kidney Damage - Although a healthy kidney has no problem with a high intake of whey protein. But people who have kidney issues should not consume a high amount of whey.

Taking this supplement in high amounts can put an extra load on the kidney, which may lead to kidney damage.

3. Liver Damage -  It is a long-term side effect of whey protein. People who consume this supplement excessively and live sedentary lives may experience liver injury.

This is because studies have shown that consuming excessive protein can increase the stress on the liver, which may lead to liver injury. 

4. Inflammation – A high intake of protein produces histamine to protect the body from infection. A greater amount of histamine can cause soft tissues to expand and promote increased blood flow, irritation, and inflammation.

Inflammation prevents muscle repair after a workout, promotes muscle atrophy, and increases healing time. 

5. Microbiome Degradation - It is found that the protein of whey increases the number of bad bacteria and decreases good bacteria in the body.

This imbalance can create unwanted symptoms like severe stomach pain, constipation, gas, and other gastrointestinal problems.

6. Acne - Many studies have shown that acne problems come due to dairy products. However, strong evidence is not available about whether the product is associated with acne or not.

Moreover, experts suggest that if you have some acne problems with dairy products, you should move away from whey protein.

7. Headache and Fatigue - Try to consume it in moderation because a heavy intake of whey protein may cause headaches and fatigue. This will make you feel tired, which may lead to overeating.


Through this blog, we have read some amazing benefits of whey protein along with its side effects. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that one should not avoid its side effects even if it’s mild, because with time it will cause some serious health issues.

Additionally, always try to follow the dosage instructions when consuming whey protein, because excessive inatke of this supplemnt may also lead to some side effects. 
Last but not least, before consuming whey protein, you should consult the doctor first, and if you are vegan, you can go for plant-based protein. 
Hope this blog helps you to know whether protein is bad for you or not and if you like it, share it with those friends who are also struggling with this question.




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